If the story alone if you can remember which one is immediately from idol from it?
韩国偶像劇里的爱情故事總是令人那麼的痴迷,但如果光憑剧情你是否能馬上记得起是来自哪一部偶像劇呢?或許你曾经有看过但对剧情已沒印象了的應該是占大多數吧?快来测试下自己,到底自己心理最印象深刻的有多少部吧!!!Korean idol love story is always so very obsessed,But if the story alone if you can immediately remembers what an idol from it?Perhaps youve ever seen, but has no recollection of the story should be the majority, right?Come testing themselves, in the end their psychological most impressive how many portions of it! ! !